Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

What did you do to care for the Earth today?

I was reminded of many things that we can all do to help keep the Earth we have.

Turning off lights in rooms we are not in.
Using cloth products instead of paper (paper towels, tissues, diapers, wipes, etc).
Hanging clothes out to dry instead of using a dryer.
Combine small trips out of the house into one big trip.

I am not huge into being "green" but I do think we all need to do our part.  Whether it is using a towel instead of a paper towel, cloth diapering, or simply just turning out the lights, it all does something good for the environment. 

Personally we cloth diaper and try to use cloth wipes as much as possible.  When we do use disposable diapers we now use Seventh Generation diapers.  We are also trying to switch over to using cloth "paper" towels.  In the warmer, summer months we tend to dry our cloth diapers outdoors.  If we had an actual clothesline (which we are not allowed to have in our subdivision, terrible if you ask me), we would love to dry more of our clothes outdoors.

We do the best we can.  When we cleaned out our garage this weekend we recycled a full load of plastic (bottles and bags), cardboard and paper. 

So what do you do to help preserve the Earth?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not much to blog about

In the last week we haven't really done anything to blog about.
I started my seeds for my garden (cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, squash and some herbs).  I also planted a couple of packets of flowers for the girls. 

Overall I have been cleaning and reorganizing the house and garage.  On Sunday we cleaned out the garage finding that I MIGHT have a small crafting problem.  We found a LARGE bin (you know the really big ones that have wheels) full of crafting supplies as well as a regular storage tub and a box.  Sigh, needless to say I donated most of that since I didn't even know I was missing it.  I also got rid of a bunch more of the girls' clothes to a good friend.  And the clothes she didn't take will go to another friend who is going to be having a little girl in the next few weeks. 

We took a good size load to the recycling area by a local grocery store as well.  Lots of broken down boxes, plastic bags and plastic water bottles were found in the garage.  So now we have an organized garage least for the next year. 

Today I am going to tackle Bubby's room.  Since he hasn't been sleeping in there it has become the catch all room again.  So I am going to dive in today and get it organzied...get the clothes put away (either in storage bins or in drawers, depending on size), get the crib taken down (since we are going to be using it as a guest room in a week or so) so that we can fit a twin size bed in there, and just get it spruced up a bit. 

That is the my life right now, getting stuff organized.  :)  Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rockin' the Soak!

I am so excited about this product.  It is called Rockin' Green soap.
I have heard so many good things about it (specifically for cloth dipes, but also regular laundry too) and wanted to try it.  So I ordered a few samples.  I just recieved them in the mail (let me tell you I have the BEST smelling mail box EVER and immediately got to work on my dipes.

I soaked them for 30 min in the rockin green and then did my normal cycle of laundering them (hot/cold wash with a second rinse).  Then I did it a second time (just for good  After the first time I smell a microfiber insert.  Now if you are a pocket diaper-er you will know that you don't just go around sniffing your cloth insert, cuz well, frankly, they never smell like they did when they were new.  But I stuck my nose IN the dipe.  And I didn't want to remove my nose from my face!  I could still smell a bit of lingering smell so that is why I decided to try again.  If, when they are dry, I feel they need more I will do a "super soak" and let them soak over night.

I really hope that this helps alleviate the stinky problem we have with our dipes.   I also hope it helps with the rashes Corbin will get from his overnight dipes.

I just set them out to dry (cuz it is sooo nice I don't have to use the dryer) and they even FEEL different.  They are softer!  I am already impressed and they aren't even dry yet!

So, last night I "super soaked" them.  They are outside finishing drying and they smell amazing.  There isn't even a hint of that microfiber funk in them.  I am so excited.  Here are some pics of my Rockin' journey.  :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Where do you get your inspiration from?  Is it from a friend?  A family member?  Perhaps your children? 

My inspiration comes from many places.  Today it came from a friend's blog and my husband.  They inspired me to remember that God loves me for who I am.  That HE is the one that I need to look to.  HE is the one, the ONLY one, who can make me feel whole. 

I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect...not NEAR it.  I don't always look to God for my direction.  At times, I utterly and completely fail. 

I know that God wants me to look to Him always.  He wants me to look to Him for inspiration.  He wants me to fully depend on Him.  From 1 Peter 5 I found this verse: "Cast your cares upon the Lord, for he cares for you."  Why can I not do that?  Why do I take all of the worries and guilt on myself? In Matthew 11 I find this, "Come unto me, all ye who are weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest."  Rest, He will GIVE me rest!  I don't have to work for it, I don't have to plead for it, He will just GIVE it to me.

Today I truly believe that God used one of my fellow bloggers and friend to remind me to trust in Him and to look to him.  I thank God for her.  I thank God for my husband who helped me realize that the devil was trying to use a situation to make me stumble.  God has given me much and for that He is to be PRAISED!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ham and Potato Soup

This is one of my very favorite things to have in the winter.  And since today is a bit chilly (and probably one of the last times we will have it before winter hits again) I thought it would be a great way to warm up.  :)

Here is the recipe:

2t olive oil
1 sm onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, cut in half
1 32oz box of chicken broth
3-4lbs potatoes, I usually use russets
1c buttermilk (I used whole milk this time and it turned out fine too)
1/2 t salt
1/4 c shredded cheddar cheese

Coat a large pan with olive oil and warm.  Then add the onion and garlic until transparent (5ish minutes, careful not to burn the garlic).

Then add the ham, potatoes and broth, bring to a boil.  Reduce to a simmer and cook for 20-25 minutes.  Some like to cover the pot at this point but since I like my soup a bit thicker I leave it uncovered.

Take off the heat.  With a potato masher mash the milk into the potato mixture.  If you like a smoother soup you can use a food processor or a blender.

Spoon into bowls and top with cheese and croutons.

You can easily omit the ham and still have a GREAT potato soup.  :)

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do!

Serves 6.  Prep time: 15 min.  Total time: 45 min.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It is TIME!

It is that time again and I have the itch to organize and clean up the house and garage!  It is time to get the kids' clothes changed out from winter to spring/summer.  Time to get the outdoor toys dusted off and put out.   Time to freshen up the house. 

I am on a mission this month to get this house put together for the spring/summer months ahead.  I am hoping that I can get rid of the clothes that don't fit the kids, get rid of the toys they don't need/play with and get rid of stuff that I can't wear/use anymore.  It is just time to become clutter free.  We live in a small house (3 bedrooms/1 1/2 baths) and there are 5 of us living here.  We don't have room for clutter anymore.  With Bubby becoming more active, crawling and pulling up on things, we need to simplify. 

So out with the old!  With any luck by the time my mom, mother in law, and sister come at the end of the month we will have a new simplified look in our home.  Watch out Goodwill!  HERE WE COME!  :D

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Prodcuct!

This weekend I went to get my hair done.  I had a GREAT time.  I love my new look.  Anyways, that has very little to do with this

The wonderful lady who did my hair told me about some cleaning products that I had been wanting to try.  They are the Seventh Generation products.  Every time I look for them they are WAY too expensive.  So I don't buy them.  Well they were on clearance for $1.98 and my stylist knew where I could get some coupons for $1 off!  So I had my hubby print them so that when he brought me the kids so he could go mountain biking I could go and get some of the new products. 

I purchased a package of diapers (as there was a coupon for them as well) and my son does NOT react to them!  YAY!  So this is the sposie dipe that we will be using for him when we are not in cloth.

So I bought diapers, 2 bottles of glass/surface cleaner, 2 boxes of dishwasher detergent, and 1 bottle of toilet bowl cleaner all for the grand total of $17!!!  WOW!!!  I was impressed.

I just tried them out in my bathroom and I am in love.  I didn't have to turn the fan on to tolerate the smell of the cleaners.  The bathroom looks FABULOUS and it smells FRESH, not like chemicals.  I am in love. 

Here is where I got the coupons.  So you can hopefully benefit from these products as well.  I just had to sign up and the coupons were mine.  :)  LOVE IT! 

I have to throw some "fluff" in this post.  We went to the zoo this morning and I got the cutest picture of my three bugs.  :)  Here is Bee, Bubby and Butterfly.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter All!

Our Easter was filled with family and friends. 

We had a wonderful service at church with an inspiring sermon from our pastor.  Our kids enjoyed their time at kids praise and kids church.  We then headed out for an Easter egg hunt on the church grounds.  They enjoyed it so much.  One of my favorite parts was watching the older kids come along side the younger ones to help them find the eggs. 

Next was our pancake brunch.  This has been a tradition for some years now and it is by far a favorite.  Chris Cakes comes and flips pancakes for us.  They do an amazing job.  The kids love it as do the adults. 

After a quick nap we all decided to head to the park for a bit of play time.  And then it was time for dinner.  Ham, potatoes, green beans, crescent rolls and apple pie.  YUM!  The only this is, I have a TON of ham left over.  I chopped some to make some ham salad and some for ham and potato soup.  But I still have 2 bags of ham leftover.  I chopped them and put them in the freezer.  Maybe I will save them to make some potato soup for later.

After dinner, since we could not be with family, we did a Skype conversation with my parents who happen to have my niece this week since she is on spring break.  It is such an amazing way for us to keep up with each other as we are so far apart.  

Now it is time to relax and get ready for yet another week.  I will be sure to post the recipes that I use for the potato soup and ham salad. 

I hope that you all have had a blessed Easter Sunday this year. 

Here are a few pictures of us.  :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter and all of its happenings

This weekend has brought many things to mind.  The death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour.  The relationship I have with Christ.  The relationship my family has with Christ, namely my children.  Butterfly is 4.  I believe that she is on the verge of understanding in a child-like faith what Jesus has done for her.  Bee is 2.  She is just happy being 2.  Bubby is just 8 months.  He is just happy being him.  But no matter the stage my children are at I pray for them daily.  I pray that God would use them for his glory.  I pray for their salvation.  I am a firm believer that it is never too early to start praying for my children. 

Today I got to go to the salon and get my hair highlighted and cut.  It looks great.  I have a new outfit for our Sunday service.  I made the girls' dresses for Easter Sunday as well.  Bubby has a new outfit too.  The Hubby already had something that works well with the "theme" of our family. 
We are going to have a pancake brunch at church along with an egg hunt.  Then we will have a ham dinner. 
But once you peel away all the commercialism of Easter what do we have left?  We have a ever loving God who sent his Son to die on a cross for us and our sins.  It doesn't matter if we have our hair done, a new outfit, or a fancy dinner.  All that matters is that relationship with Christ.

I had the opportunity to talk to Butterfly today about that.  She started asking questions and after a quick "help me" prayer I answered them to the best of my ability.  I hope that God used me to help plant a seed in her life and that someday she would ask Jesus to be in her heart so that she, too, could spend eternity with Him. 

So this Easter season let's remember what it is really about, Jesus Christ.  His death and resurrection.

Happy Easter to all!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter dresses on parade!

For the last week or so I have been working on getting the girls' Easter dresses done.  I have my oldest daughter's close to done but have barely started my 2nd daughters.  Corbin was going to get an outfit done too but I chickened out and bought his...who can beat Once Upon A Child prices on things like that?  :)

At any rate here are a few pictures of what I have been working on.

Finished Dress (well,

Unfinished skirt (inside)

Unfinished bodice (inside)

I am not an expert seamstress but I am pretty proud of what I am doing.  :)   This is the first time I have done pleats so they aren't perfect and I have had to do some adjusting on the finished product for my eldest's dress.  It was WAY too big in the bodice so I had to take it in quite a bit.  The pleats don't quite line up on that one but that is alright.  

She actually just came downstairs from nap and said, "Oh MOMMY!  Is that my dress?  It is SOOO beautiful."  That just about melts my heart.   I will post some finished pictures when I get the dresses done.  The girls can do a little "fashion show".  :)  They will love it.  :)