I think it is about time to update everyone on the goings on of our house. :)
Butterfly is in kindy and loves it! She is in the VERY top of her class with reading. Her teacher is starting her on an advanced reader program. I stopped in to chat with the teacher and come to find out that Butterfly is reading at a 3rd grade level! OH MY! She is also doing really well with math. This week is homecoming so she has "spirit days" a school. Yesterday was PJ day (she was THRILLED to go to school in PJ's) and today is Sport/Jersey day...Only thing we had that fit her was a Vikings Favre t-shirt...and if you know me you know that I am a PACKER fan! GO PACKERS! But oh well, she will still have a good day.
Bee started pre-school and is LOVING it. She runs into school every day she goes. She won't stop talking about it either. She loves getting to hang out with her best friend Cal. :) I love it that she is making friends so easily...although, I didn't ever have a doubt that she would. She is a social butterfly. Much to social to figure out how to write her name correctly...lol. :)
Bubby is doing GREAT! He is starting to make 2 and 3 word sentances. His new favorite words are Sorry and Why. YAY! lol! He is as boy as boys come...loves to play with his Lego's, cars, and trains. He LOVES Caillou (and of course..I do NOT!) and the movie Cars.
Dragonfly is doing ok. I had been nursing her and had to eliminate dairy, soy and gluten from my diet. With those limitations my supply declined rapidly. This week we started to supplement with alumentium and well, that isn't going well. I am currently waiting on a call back from the doctor to get the prescription for Neocate so that our insurance will cover it. Her poor belly is NOT tolerating the alumentium well at all.
Hubby is home for about 2 1/2 weeks and then will be gone for almost a month. He will first be in Detroit and then will be in China for about 3 weeks. We are going to miss him a TON!
I am planning to go to a Hearts at Home conference for Mom's! I am SO excited! My in-laws and parents have volunteered to watch all four kiddos for us so that I can go and Dan can sleep since he will JUST be getting back from China...can we say jet-lag???
Well, that is us. I am hoping to get some crafting in soon. I have some quilts to get done and some dresses to get started.
Hope you all are doing well!
<3 Alison