Monday, August 13, 2012

Menu for this week

I am trying out some new meals this week and thought I would write about it as well.  :)  So here it goes.

The Plan:

Sunday:  Lasagna (regular and eggplant lasagna) with garlic bread, salad and mixed veggies.
THIS WAS FANTASTIC!  My lasagna didn't fall apart, it wasn't too sloppy and was VERY delicious.  The eggplant one was (from what I heard) the best.  It reflected so as there is less of that left of that than the regular one.  :) WOOT WOOT!

Monday: Tacos/Taco Salad

Tuesday: Burgers with Butternut Squash fries

Wednesday: Lettuce Wraps with quinoa, black beans, and avocado

Thursday: Chili

Friday: Pizza (either zucchini or mushroom pizza for me)

Saturday: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Sunday: Slow cooker ham and white bean soup

Monday: Crock Pot chicken with mixed vegetables

I am SO excited to try some of the new recipes.  Look for reviews on the Butternut squash fries, the lettuce wraps, the stuffed cabbage rolls and the slow cooker ham and bean soup.

Hopefully there will be pictures too!  :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer time fun!

We have been having so much fun this summer!  We have been spending time with family, going on road trips and hanging out as a family.  We are loving it!

We got back from our vacation about a week ago and I hit the ground running.  Butterfly had swimming lessons and Hubby and I scheduled a date weekend.  We threw some a quick trip to visit some extended family in there and had ourselves a GREAT weekend.

That brings us to this week.  We are in the second (and final) week of swimming lessons for Butterfly and Bee and Bubby are heading to Mimi's on Wednesday.  Butterfly and I will be taking Dragonfly to visit Nana (my grandma!) then as well.  We planned an afternoon full of Skip-Bo.  Then on Thursday we are heading to visit my Cousin in Law (that is a term right?  LOL!) for the afternoon.

We are hoping that the sweet corn my father in law planted will hold out until we are done with the busyness that is ahead of us this week.  When the sweet corn is ready we will pack everyone up and head over there so we can pick it and get it in the freezer so we can prepare ourselves for winter.

Our garden has done pretty well.  We have increased the garden from 4 raised beds to 6 raised beds.  We think the deer got the best of our "salad" garden, which was planted with peas, green beans, two kinds of lettuce, and carrots.  However, our potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, asparagus and kohlrabi have all done really well.  We didn't get to harvest the asparagus this year but we can see it will be bringing us lots of yumminess next year.

Hope you all are having a fantastic summer.  I will be doing a post of just some of our summer pictures in the coming days.

<3 Alison

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Car trips

We are anticipating a car trip with our four kiddos.  We will be driving roughly 16-18 hours one way to visit friends in Ohio.  With that said I am thinking we need to come up with some ideas of what to have our kiddos do while we are on the road.

Here are some of my thoughts.

~ Alphabet Game (finding each letter of the alphabet on signs along the road)
~ License Plate Game (finding license plates from across the US and writing them down to see how many we can find)
~ box with paper, crayons and pencils (using a pizza box works really well because you have storage and a hard surface to write on.  You can even tether the pencil/crayons with a string so that they don't get dropped.)
~ Travel Scavenger Hunt (find different objects, locations, buildings along the way)

What other games can you think of that will help pass the time on a long car ride?

<3 Alison

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Science Experiments

Today the kids and I did a couple of science experiments.  The first one was for the big kids and it will take a day or two to complete.  We place a raw egg in a jar with vinegar in it.  The idea here is to let the egg sit in the vinegar and the shell will dissolve leaving you with a "rubber" egg.  This site has some ideas to take the "rubber" egg a step further.  We will be trying those steps this week as well.  :)

With my little kids I poured some baking soda on a sheet pan.  I then gave them medicine droppers and a cup of vinegar.  I let them drip and drop the vinegar all over the baking soda and let them watch the reaction.  They LOVED it and it was an easy (and CHEAP!) experiment.  :)  When they were tired of the droppers I said, "What do you think would happen if we dumped the rest of the vinegar on the baking soda?"  And of course they wanted to try it.  So they did and they had the best reaction (as did the baking soda and vinegar) of all.  :)

For the big kids, as they are doing experiments I am having them write down what experiment we are doing, what they see and what they think will happen.  It is very interesting to see what they think.  They will get to compare and contrast what they think will happen and what actually happens.

Here are some pictures of the littles and their experiment.  :)

Here is the first picture of the egg experiment as well. 

Hope you are all having a great start to summer!  
<3 Alison

Friday, May 18, 2012

It is time!

It is time that I pick this blog up again and dust it off.  In November I just kind of ran out of time and since then life has continued to be busy.  However, life is not slowing down but I am needing an outlet...and this blog has been that for me in the past.  So, here I am again, ready to tell you all about the things we are doing.

We are getting ready for the summer by planting our gardens, to which we are adding two beds.  I have already planted 2 beds of tomatoes, one of which I need to replant because I purchased poor plants.  :(  As soon as the 5th and 6th beds are done I will be planting peppers, squash, peas, beans, lettuce and carrots.  We also started some aspargus and rhubarb plants this year.  We hope that they will become fruitful in the coming years.

This year we are also planting 7 trees in our yard.  4 dwarf junipers, 1 weeping willow and 2 apple trees.  We have all but the apple trees which we will be getting here in the next couple of weeks.  We are also doing a patio in our backyard complete with a firepit.  :D

I will take pictures as we do all of these updates to show you our progress.

I hope to see you all soon!