Friday, May 13, 2011

Are you tired of my coupon trips yet? and other updates...

I will keep this one short but I am just so excited about it I had to share.  :)  I did a shopping trip tonight and I saved, 54% on my entire trip!  My highlight was getting 10 Carefree pantyliners and 4 boxes of Precise Patch by Tylenol for a grand total of $3.88.  WOOHOOO!

I think the more that I coupon the better I am getting at finding the sales and the more fun I am having with it.  I am very happy with what I have accomplished so far in my couponing adventures.

Hubby was gone most of this week so things were a bit crazy here and he will be gone all of next week so, again, things will be crazy.  I am really hoping that I can find something to do to keep us occupied.  My sister is coming down on Thursday and Friday to help me out and will be here through the weekend.  I am really excited.  She is a couponer as well so I hope we can do some couponing at some point.  :)

A quick update on my pregnancy, I went in for my regular appointment this week and found out I am measuring about 2 weeks ahead, which is ok since I tend to have my kids 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 weeks early.  I thought I felt  :)  I am having more pregnancy related issues, nothing serious, just things I haven't experienced in my other pregnancies, this time around.  Things like night waking, swollen feet, and the like...see all things that most pregnant women face during all of their pregnancies...I was spared with the first three and now I think this baby is making up for

I am hoping to be able to get a few maternity items to last me for the last few weeks of this pregnancy but I am torn as what to get.  I want whatever it is to be able to be worn after the baby is born for a bit so I don't have to buy that awkward in between size.

I am hoping to get some freezer meals made soon, but I will have to have them stored at my parents house until the baby is born.  My in laws butchered a couple of cows (a cow and a steer I believe) and so our big freezer is FILLED with beef right now and our little freezer has all of our other freezer stuff in it.  But by the time the baby is born we will have a good dent in the big freezer, especially if it warms up, then we will be having burgers and steaks a TON...we LOVE grilled burgers and steaks (and hey, it is good for my iron levels!)

That is about it for now.  Hope you all are doing fabulously!  Sorry that my posts have been so sporadic. Just trying to survive life right now.

<3 Alison

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