Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

Normally, I don't post too much on Sundays, especially on Sunday mornings as we are in church.  Well today is different.  Butterfly woke up around 2 throwing up.  So no one got much sleep and we can't go to church with a sick kiddo so we are home.

In light of that I thought I would try and remember a bit about Palm Sunday on my own and share it with you as I will be sharing with my kiddos since we can't be in church today.

Palm Sunday is the Sunday that starts the Holy Week.  Palm Sunday is the day that Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey.  The crowds praised him!  Saying Hosanna!  Hosanna!  They lay palm branches on the ground in front of Jesus and his donkey to walk on.  They knew he was the Messiah.  What a joyous event that must have been!

A few short days later we remember that Jesus was taken into custody, beaten, and hung on a cross.  And then the event that happened next is the most miraculous!  Three days after he was hung on a cross and died, he ROSE AGAIN!

Thank you Father for sending your Son to go through that experience for us, so that we don't have to.  We praise you for your awesomeness.  Your Son has laid the ground work for us to be able to be with you for eternity.  Thank you!  Amen.

Happy Palm Sunday everyone!

<3 Alison

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